Tuesday, 28 January 2025

What's the hardest part about writing a book?

When I first set out on my adventure in penmanship, I agreed with my wife that I'd give it a year to see how it panned out.  We figured, that if I wasn't a raging success after twelve months, it was unlikely ever to happen.

Looking back now, I do so with a fondness at the naivete, albeit that fondness is tempered - there is still so much that I have to learn.  In March, it will be six years since I said cheerio to a world that included a steady income, regular (if long) working hours, and the certain knowledge that the world would remain largely untroubled by my presence.

Two of those things have changed, the one that remains resolutely fixed, and the one I most need to alter to achieve success (note the dropping of the adjective, at this stage, 'modest' would be a more than adequate modifier), is for a small corner of the world, populated by those that enjoy reading literary fiction, to notice that I've popped a book they might like onto the market.

I spend less time on social media these days, but when I allowed it to fully exercise its distractions, I spent much of my time reading the posts of fellow authors, many of whom are independently published.  I read less of their musings now, not because I don't enjoy what they have to say, but because I experience a degree of guilt from reading what they freely share through the digital ether, rather than buying and reading the books that they're trying to promote.

One of the writers I followed on X shared her book sales daily, expressing her most enthusiastic joy whenever she topped sales of one hundred copies, a feat she often achieved.  Before my own book came out, I condescended to think, "Bless her.  She's giving it a go."

I now know that to be a thought smothered with hubris.  What I wouldn't give to hit triple figures of daily sales.  In fact, I'd be happy just to hit triple figures!  Which brings me to my point - selling books is hard!

That reality is a slow dawning realisation and one with which I'm wrestling, often at the expense of doing that which I most want to do, writing.  There are no end of services available to authors for promoting their work - my Messenger feed is full of people willing to help; for a price and a vague promise.  I haven't yet found one who is willing to promote the book for a share of future royalties - their belief in their services (or my work) doesn't stretch that far.

There are other routes that I've explored, mostly with mediocre results.  Amazon and Facebook ads, direct approaches to booksellers, third-party services that marry readers with titles, and review services.

This last is the one that I'm enjoying the most - not because they're contributing greatly to sales, the truth is more narcissistic.  It's because each review carries a hint of validation.  I've been thrilled with the critiques, which to date are universally positive.  If you fancy taking a look, you can read them by clicking on the logos down below.

I am hoping that at some point, I will experience that mysterious moment that Malcolm Gladwell writes about in his book 'The Tipping Point', where a threshold is reached that leads to some form of critical mass.  His book is a brilliant read, but not one that tells me how to go about finding that vast audience for my book.

Notwithstanding the above, I'll keep plugging away and eventually spend more time on bringing my next novel to market.  The pleasure that comes from that process does a great deal to offset the frustration of not being a great bookseller.

Thanks for humouring me - I'm grateful that you're along for the ride.



Craig Brown is an author living in Newbury.  To follow his work visit craigbrownauthor.com

Facebook/BlueSky/Threads/Twitter/Instagram: @GOMinTraining
Copyright © Craig Brown, 2025
28 January 2025

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